Shamanic Mastery Classes

Deepen Your Shamanic Medicine

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Slí An Chroí offer a wide range of Mastery Classes. These shamanic practitioner intensives may be for those of none or specified previous experience and we will always indicate which when advertising or profiling them. For many people they are a gateway to developing a personal practice and for others a way to deepen and broaden an existing one. They allow for focused, in-depth exploration of techniques, Ceremonies and Rituals that leave the student with new awareness and insight and importantly, practical tools to bring positive change into their lives. Mastery Classes include ‘The Shaman Divines’, ‘Archetypes’, Working with the Mála Naofa I and II, Living a Protected Life I and II and the very popular Earth Healing and Clearing I and II.

John shares about the Archetypes Masterclass

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The Shaman Divines

Practical Divination Techniques

Learn the ancient art of Screeing. When the Shaman looks to their Mála Naofa (Mawl-ah Neigh-fa) medicine bundle and calls upon Spirit to bring to the surface of linear time what is already known in sacred time, we can find new awareness and strategy for issues in our lives that require light and clarity. In this work, you will learn and receive what is a tremendous act of service for yourself and for those who come to you for wisdom. ‘Screeing’ is an ancient art of calling forth from the darkness of our subconscious with the illumination of Spirit. In this sense it is true Divination. When it comes to the major dilemmas and questions in our lives, we are often in a place where the energies at work in the issue have reached a place of stagnation.

Divination in the form of ‘Screeing’ is a valuable Ritual and tool to create forward momentum towards realisation and resolution. Many in the world yearn for insightful wisdom that bring us closer to the answers to our questions of love, work, residence, personal fulfilment and development. ‘Screeing’ is a way to lead the questioner to a place of authentic progress with a divination technique of integrity. This workshop is open to all, mála-carriers and those who do not have a medicine bundle or previous formal shamanic training. This is a one day workshop.

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield, Dublin Investment: €

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield, Dublin Investment: €


Power in a Sacred Universe

This two part Course will bring participants into awareness of archetypal energies. These ‘organising principles’ can be navigated and negotiated to improve the positive influences we call into our lives. We also find in this work, many secrets unlocked beneath why we attract certain experiences and people. When we come to a place of mastery during this training, it allows us to ‘call in’ superior experiences and relationships.

The training provides for ‘mythic mapping’ which allows us to perceive our journey as one stemming from our soul’s eternal yearning for self-actualisation and connection. Working with sacred archetypes allows us to see the reasons beneath patterns of limiting behaviours that foster retardation of our potential. Above all, the training brings us the means to structure a new path of breakthrough and progress. The vision for your life is given a powerful, practical and effective mechanism for realising that vision.

In combination with Energy Medicine of Imbas, Extraction and Soul Retrieval, the ability to wield archetypal healing brings a vital resource to both shamanic healer and client. If we want to understand soul stories, it is said that we can only do so through myth. Archetypes are both the writers and actors in the theatre of mythology. ‘Power In a Sacred Universe’ will bring you into an intuitive relationship with the Tarot. This workshop is open to all, mála-carriers and those who do not have a medicine bundle or previous formal shamanic training.


Deep Connection

This training advances your awareness, techniques and mastery in holding your mála naofa following the initial build through the Medicine Spiral. As a sacred resource to map and navigate your life, the tradition of the mála (prayer or crane bag/mesa) is unparalleled.

Providing us with an interactive altar for our personal lives and the world, it becomes a gravitational force for personal ritual, problem solving and co-creating. ‘Working With The Mála Naofa I: Deep Connection’ is for those who have taken the Medicine Spiral training with us in Dunderry Park in any of the editions since 2004. This training will deepen your connection to your mála and provide better understanding how it can orientate you during any phase of your life, explaining the energetics that are are at play.

This training will also offer you new mála techniques for breaking through stagnation or challenges, while receiving from your mála clear resources to meet the effort required for forward life development.

Graduates of the Healers Spiral will receive new techniques for expanding the healing presence of the mála in their Energy Medicine and Counselling work with others. Completion of the Sli An Chroí Medicine Spiral is a requirement for this training.

Date: TBC

Venue: Slí an Chroí Centre, Smithfield Investment: €85

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield, Dublin Investment: €


New Wild Doors

This training is dedicated to and continues advancing your awareness, techniques and mastery in holding your mála naofa following the initial build through the Medicine Spiral.

As a sacred resource to map and navigate your life, the tradition of the mála (prayer or crane bag/mesa) is unparalleled. Providing us with an interactive altar for our personal lives and the world, it becomes a gravitational force for personal ritual, problem solving and co-creating.

This ‘Working With The Mála Naofa 2: New Wild Doors’ is for those who have taken the Medicine Spiral training with us in Dunderry Park in any of the editions since 2004. This one day workshop ‘Working With The Mála Naofa: Deep Connection’ will extend your relationship to your mála and push personal growth through the alchemy of ‘new wild doors’.

 Also, graduates of the Healers Spiral will receive new techniques for expanding the healing presence of the mála in their Energy Medicine and Counselling work with others. Completion of the Sli An Chroí Medicine Spiral is a requirement for this training.


Psychic Shields

Protection is a much used word among those who are interested in the movement of energy and it is an early issue that is addressed on the Slí An Chroí Medicine Spiral. We receive the Rites of Protection, known as the ‘Bands of Power, Protection, Balance and Harmony’ on the first direction, the North.

This training offers these Rites as well as the training to be able to gift them too. We live in a universe of energies of mixed vibrations and informed by a vast range of intent and intentionality. We need to be ‘fire-proofed’, so that we can navigate our world without being depleted by doing so.

The ‘Living A Protected Life: Psychic Shields’ workshop takes us forward to bring greater awareness of the nature of movement of energy and to offer techniques for personal, family and living/working space protection not possible on the Medicine Spiral.

We will explore the field of ‘sorcery’ and examine what actually feeds ‘abuse of power’. We will examine the forms energy takes when it is abused and the mechanisms of transferance, when that energy is directed onto others. The workshop will also highlight the relationship between ‘shadow’ and ‘sorcery’. We all know people, communities and environments that ‘drain’ us, often an indication that we are being psychically affected in their presence. ‘Living A Protected Life: Psychic Shields’ brings new armour for our LEM (Light/Electro-Magnetic or Auric Field), the first plane on which toxic energy impacts our being. No prior formal shamanic experience is required to take this training and as it brings awareness of psychic protection further than is possible on the Medicine and Healers Spirals, graduates of both programmes are also suitably placed to take this training.

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield, Dublin Investment: €

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield, Dublin Investment: €



For students who have taken the ‘Living A Protected Life: Psychic Shields’, this Advanced Class provides a valuable opportunity to gain deeper understanding of the nature of energies that paralyse our power, impede  our potential and corrupt an authentic expression of our truth.

How energies of all vibrations weave and interplay, from the most dense and toxic to the most luminous and loving is an essential understanding for effective and fearless living. Hand in hand with the greater awareness gained in this training are advanced techniques for protection of Self, loved ones, animals and plants and living spaces not possible to impart during the prerequisite Psychic Shields’ training.


Geopathic Stress

This is the first of two intensives that lead the shamanic practitioner to an advanced level of ability in safe techniques to harmonise ‘static’ energies on landscapes, homes and workplaces.

Just like the human body, open and enclosed earth spaces can carry stress caused by underlying arhythmic waves in the energy fields of those spaces. The shamanic practitioner is one who tracks these discordant energies and draws from his/her repertoire of healing techniques to remove or harmonise the disruptive energies.

The impact on physical, psycho-emotional and energetic/spiritual health of humans, plants and other animals who occupy those earth spaces is well documented. The ‘energetic health’ of the Earth spaces we occupy is a vital influence on our default levels of holistic health. Beginning with establishing how the shamanic practitioner stands when setting forth into this work and introducing a mastery of measuring and harmonising geopathic stress, this training brings the student to a level of competent, practical surveying accuracy and offers a variety of balancing/harmonising techniques and Rituals.

In the ‘Earth Healing and Clearing II’ Workshop, we explore the tracking and clearing of electro-magnetic and psychic (energetic-spiritual) stress.

No previous formal shamanic experience/training is necessary to attend, but is recommended, (such as the Introduction To Shamanism). If you have not taken the Medicine Spiral, taking the ‘Living A Protected Life: Psychic Shields’ workshop is also recommended before taking this training, but not obligatory.

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield, Dublin Investment: €

Date: TBC

Venue: Smithfield Investment: €


Electro-Magnetic and Psychic Stress

This follow-on to ‘Earth Healing and Clearing I’ is a training that completes the shamanic practitioner’s awareness and skills base for thorough Earth Healing across the trinity of stresses; geopathic, electro-magnetic and psychic. Having taken ‘Earth Healing and Clearing I’ or having mastered surveying and balancing geopathic stress elsewhere qualifies you for ‘Earth Healing and Clearing II’.

However, depending on your level of shamanic training, particularly in the area of Extractions via the Slí An Chroí Healers Spiral or elsewhere, you may be offered a place on ‘Earth Healing and Clearing II’ and you may then follow with ‘Earth Healing and Clearing I’ at a later date.

 ‘Earth Healing and Clearing II’ begins with training in the handling and use of specialist reading machines that detect a range of electro-magnetic radiation. The range of these energies across the wave spectrum is already widespread in quantities never before experienced in human life. New technologies are active on frequencies older machinery cannot detect. Illnesses and allergic reaction to electro-magnetic radiation, from severe to mild, is well documented and on the increase. Avoiding the creation of ‘hotspots’ in our homes and works spaces along with being equipped with remedial measures for the necessary use of technology is part of this module in the training.

Psychic stress refers to the presence of human energy in a physical location, but the human source of the energy is not physically present. When this energy causes unease, illness or in very rare and extreme cases possession, in those who are physically present in the location, we refer to this phenomenon as psychic stress.

The training brings the student to a grounded, fearless understanding of this natural phenomenon along with protection techniques for compassionate releasing of this stress from a physical location, thereby restoring the space as one which facilitates calm, sovereign living that cultivates holistic health.

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